There is an intimateconnection between the eye, hand and mind, that makes drawing such a personalform of expression. The intimacy of the act of drawing and the ephemeral natureof the materials I use, enable me to express and explore the connection I havewith my environment. I am interested in the beauty and physicality of water andhave been inspired by my experience of living on the Australian coast. Theecological viewpoint that I have of the world and my reflections on the sublimeinforms and influences my drawing practice.
The title of the series wasinformed by Deep Ecologist Arne Naess, who describes a unique heightenedexperience, where one feels a self-realisation that one is intrinsicallyconnected to nature – “a feeling often called oceanic because many have hadthis feeling on the ocean”. The series of drawings that contribute to Oceanic Surface explore my personalconnection and awe I feel close to the water.
The Oceanic Surface seriesreflects my ongoing interest in the physicality of water - studying shapes,formations and exploring how water moves and sculpts what we see on the skin ofthe ocean. This series explores the duality of the ocean, such as the way thesurface can be both transparent and reflective - echoing life below the surfaceand above in the sky.
2016, Ocean surface, pencil on paper, 33x50cm, $900. (Sold)
2016, Ocean surface, pencil on paper, 33x50cm, $900. (Sold)
2016, Ocean surface, pencil on paper, 33x50cm, $900.
2016, Ocean surface, pencil on paper, 33x50cm, $900.
2016, Ocean surface, pencil on paper, 33x50cm, $900.